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Dollar General

38-42 East Main St., Vernon, CT, 06066
For Sale

Property Highlights

    • Dollar General Corp | NYSE: DG | S&P Rating: “BBB” Investment Grade
    • Brand new 2024 construction
    • New 15 year absolute triple net Lease
    • Upgraded construction with brick and glass
    • Suburb of Hartford, CT (approximately 15 minutes west)
    • Strong demographics – Average household income in 5-miles: $117k+

Property Details

  • Price: $2,970,800
  • Property Type: Retail
  • Transaction Type: For Sale
  • Cap Rate: 6.25%
  • Building Size: 10,640 SF
  • Lot Size: 1.64 AC
  • Lease Type: Single Tenant NNN
  • Lease Term: 15 years
  • Year Built: 2024
  • Tenancy: Single Tenant
  • Year Built: 2024

Tenant Information

Tenant SF OccupiedLease End Date
Dollar General106492039

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Offering Memorandum

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Financial Summary

Investment Highlights

Price $0.00
Price / Unit $0.00
Gross Rent Multiplier 0.00
Proposed Loan Amount $0.00
Initial Investment $0.00


Income & Expenses



Total Expenses
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
Net Operating Income$0.00$0.00
Less Debt Service$0$0
Potential Net Cash Flow$0.00$0.00
Cash on Cash Return0.00 %0.00 %
Capitalization Rate0.00 %0.00 %

Rent Roll

Current Monthly Rent
Potential Monthly Rent
Lease Expires


$ 0.00

$ 0.00


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